Archive for April, 2007


Friday, April 20th, 2007

Posted by Dave 

Back from the consulate where I was told my adoption would indeed be a problem. Not insuperable, but definitely a problem. The lady told me I would need to file a petition to Rome to have them recognize my adoption, then I could proceed with the citizenship. But the courts in Rome are backlogged and it could take them 3-5 years to recognize the adoption. 

I was also told that shelly would have to wait 3 years after I get my citizenship before she could apply for hers. 

All this means possibly 10 years before we can get to Italy. I need to do some research on the subject and get some informed opinions. It does not seem right that I need to go through a court process for Italy to recognize papers that the US recognizes. I have the adoption papers, so why wouldn’t Italy recognize them? They don’t need a court process to recognize US birth certificates or marriage certificates; they just want them translated with an apostille. So why do we need a court petition to recognize an adoption? 

Anyway, my complaining or questioning doesn’t actually change anything, so the best thing to do is get information and then go from there. 

Pray for us in this new capacity. 

To the consulate again on Friday/di nuovo al consolato venerdì

Thursday, April 19th, 2007

Posted by Dave 

Gotta get some confirmation on what exactly has to happen with rest of the documents. Especially with the adoption papers 

Voglio chiedere dettagli sui documenti e come procedere e particolarmente sull’argomento dell’adozione. 

Trip Details Finalized/Dettagli finalizzati

Thursday, April 19th, 2007

Posted by Dave 

OK, I have talked with just about everyone I need to talk with about the trip. 

I rented a car, the flights are all good to go and the hotels are paid. We decided not to do the apartment since we were going to be in a different city for a couple of days. 

We will be leaving Thursday 31 May, arriving 1 June. 

We drive to Treviso, about 3 hours away, on Saturday 2 June. 

Go to Calvary Chapel Montebelluna 3 June and meet with Pastor Craig afterward. 

We go to Venice [an hour from Treviso] on 4 June. 

Drive back to Milano on Tuesday 5 June. 

Hang out with family, see city Tuesday-Friday. 

Drive to Voghera [45 minutes from Milano] on 9 June for Ivan and Sara’s wedding. 

Have our own church service on Sunday 10 June 

Leave for home on 11 June and get back around 4 in the afternoon. 


Ho appena finito di sistemare tutti I dettagli del viaggio. 

La macchina è noleggiata, i voli sono pagati e pure sono pagati i hotel. Ho deciso di soggionare in albergo invece di apartamento perché saremo in Treviso per qualche giorno. 

Partiamo giovedì il 31 marzo, arriviamo 1 giugno. 

Andiamo a Treviso, sabato il 2 giugno 

Asistiamo il culto a Calvary Chapel Montebelluna il 3 giugno e dopo facciamo incontro con pastore Craig. 

Il 4 giugno passiamo in Venezia. 

Torniamo a milano il 5 giugno. 

Passare il tempo da martedì a sabato in milano faccendosi i turisti, mangiando e passando il tempo con i parenti. 

A Voghera il 9 giugno per il matrimonio di Ivan e Sara. 

Facciamo chiesetta nostra domenica 

Torniamo a casa l’11 giugno alle 4 [+/-]di pomeriggio. 

Shelly’s Job transfer update

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

Posted by Dave 

Talking with Shelly the other day, and she mentioned that her new boss has given her the go-ahead to talk to the people in Milan about getting a job there. What this looks like is that she will not actually be getting a job transfer at all. She is simply free to quit and find another job…….. 

It’s a little better than that since she knows some of the people in Milan, but she has of course been free to do this the whole time. Apparently, then we will get no help from 3M in moving the job over. 

This could be good…. Or more difficult….. things have definitely shifted. They are not necessarily worse or better, just different. That is always a bit scary, but in reality the whole move would be a bit scary anyways, so this is just another reason to trust the Lord. 

When we go to Italy in about a month and a half, Shelly has arranged to meet with the people at 3M. She had hoped originally that she could broach the subject and that 3M here would be helping her. Now she will have to simply ask if they would be willing to hire her. The good is that they know her work and her record with 3M AND she will have Italian citizenship. The bad is that she doesn’t speak Italian. While many of them are good in English, you can’t escape the fact that living and working in Italy means needing to speak at least passable Italian. 

This is a HUGE part of our going to Italy. The 2 things I feel like I really need are the citizenship and steady work. I am asking the Lord to really open or close doors, and if these things start to close off, I will need to seriously consider whether doors are being shut to us going there. If it turns out that she CAN’T get work with 3M Italy, it is not necessarily the end of the road for us, but I would need to be in serious prayer as to whether we are really called or if we need to press on in an ever greater measure of faith. 

So we are asking for prayer for that meeting: that she would again find favor with the people in charge and that they would be open to hiring her. 

Meet with Ronnie and Kristi this Friday

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

Posted by Dave 

We need to get together this Friday and iron out some details for the trip coming up. I have been busy with work and other responsibilities, so my mind has not really been focused on the trip coming up, but I need to keep the timeline in perspective. We are leaving in about a month and a half. I still need to firm up the basic trip, which will include staying a few different cities, and then get rental car and hotels booked. Oh, yeah, and get paid for some of the jobs I have done so I can pay for this stuff……. 

A few more details taken care of

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

Posted by Dave 

Yesterday, Shelly and I took off from work to do worship at a funeral. 

Before the funeral at 10, we went over to the LA county Vital records office in Norwalk and got the boys birth certs. After the funeral, I went down to the Probate Court with my [adoptive] dad and got the relinquishment papers certified. I’m still waiting to receive [biological] mom’s birth cert back with the apostille, and I’m now waiting for my original birth cert, but all has been cleared and it should just be a matter of time. 

I will go to the consulate next week and bring the list of discrepancies that I found and get their opinion as to whether I need to get anything amended or not. I will also find out what specifically needs to have the apostille, which is an international certification, and be translated. I have a feeling that 3-4 of the documents I was planning on having translated and apostilled will not need them. That should save me about 100-150 bucks on what is turning out to be a somewhat expensive process. 


Friday, April 6th, 2007

Posted by Dave 

After reading the last post, it dawned on me that I hadn’t really explained what had happened. 

I am adopted. After an adoption, the original birth certificate is amended to show the adoptive parents rather than the biological parents and the original birth certificate is sealed at the state office of vital records. But since I need to demonstrate a blood link to my biological mother, I need to get a copy of the original sealed birth certificate. The process, at least in California, to get a copy of that is that the Superior Court where the adoption took place has to grant the petitioner a court order to obtain a copy. THAT is what I received. I filed a petition 6 months ago, and finally got the court order yesterday. I am sending it off, along with a form requesting the Birth cert, and, of course, money…….. and they are supposed to get it back to me in about 3 months time. 

Spiegavo in inglese che non mi ho spiegato tanto bene nell’ultimo post quello che è successo. 

Sono adottato. Dopo un adozione, il certificato originale di nascita viene emendato a mostrare i padri adottivi invece dei padri biologichi e poi l’originale e rimesso nascosto all’Anagrafe Statale. Ma dato che ho bisogno di dimostrare il mio sangue, ho bisogno di quel certificato original. Il procedimento dove abito per richiedere cio è che il Tribunale Superiore della Contea dove capitò l’adozione deve accordare a chi richiede un ordine/decreto per ottenere una copia certificata. Era QUEL ordine che ho ricevuto ieri. 6 mesi fa, ho fatto la mia richiesta, e appena ieri l’ordine è arrivato. Oggi lo spedisco con un modulo per richiedere il CN accompagnato con……senz’altro…..i soldi, e fra 3 mesi avrò il certificato originale. 

La mia richiesta è stata approvata…..

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007

Posted by Dave 

Just got a call from the OC Superior Court telling me that my request has been approved. They will now send me a signed court order and I will have to send that to Sacramento with the right forms and then I can get a certified copy of the original. 

The girl at the court notified me that the copy they received had all the original names blacked out. 

The state even blacked out the names on the request that I sent. As if they were going to protect me from seeing names that I wrote!!! The girl at the OC court told she had to laugh at that. 

So the hitch is that while I have received the OK, I’m not sure if what they send me will actually have any information that will help. If not, then I still have the adoption cert which DOES have my mothers name on it. So, we’ll see. 


Ho appena ricevuto una chiamata dal Tribunale Superiore della Contea spiegando che la mia richiesta è stata approvata. Ora mi spedirà un’ordine firmato quale io spedirò allo stato coi moduli giusti, e riceverò una copia certificata del mio certificato originale di nascita. 

La ragazza mi ha spiegato che la copia ricevuta dallo stato aveva tutti i nomi originali bloccati. Lo stato ha perfino bloccato i nomi che proprio IO ho scritto!! Come se hanno voluto proteggere i nomi da me!! 

Allora il problema può essere che ricevando la mia richiesta, non avrò ancora l’informazione di che ho bisogno. Ho ancora la certificato di adozione col nome di mamma, però vedremo.