OK, I’m a little embarrassed and I have to confess my own naivete on the subject having never used a lawyer before, but we got the retainer agreement yesterday and I am supposed to pay $2500 up front as a retainer. I was not expecting that and don’t have the money at this point. We will have to save towards it. So nothing will be happening towards the citizenship until I can save the 2500 and then get the lawyers started.
Archive for August, 2008
process snag
Thursday, August 7th, 2008citizenship process update
Wednesday, August 6th, 2008I got an email from the lawyers yesterday. They have decided that the case as is, is not applicable under Italian law. What they want to do is draw up a cause of action stating the link between my mother and I here in California. And then simply have that recognized as valid by an Italian court. This SHOUL’D be fairly straightforward and if all goes well, relatively quick.
We should be receiving the retainer agreement as well shortly. One was sent out right after the initial consultation, but for some reason, we never received it. So step 2 of the process is starting I believe, once they get back the signed retainer.
Keep praying for more work for me. I have been blessed to have gotten some work, but could always use more.
pics of dave and shelly’s new house
Wednesday, August 6th, 2008just thought i’d post a few pics of the place now that most of the house is in order. about the only thing left is hanging artwork, but all the furniture etc is in place.
Dave and Shelly are in their new place
Monday, August 4th, 2008Well we got moved last saturday and I wanted to post some pics from the move.
This is the van we rented
We had help from two of the brothers from our worship team: Charles Paul and Norm Wheeldon. I’m holding the dolly with the fridge, Charles is outside on the left, and Norm… you can’t see too well except the top of his head, because it outside trying to lift it up and over the sill.
This is the front room of the new place stuffed with boxes against the wall
and this is my studio sort of set up… though I have alot I still need to do.
All in all the move went fairly smooth, we started around 8 and were done unloading the van by 2. I still had to go back and get a few more things but by 4 we had pretty much everything in.
We spent till about 8 that night unpacking and setting things up, then showered, went out to get some dinner and came back exhausted. Sunday we walked to church, came home and set up some more, then took a break to go play soccer. When we came home we finished most of the boxes. As I write this on monday morning, we have only a few boxes left to unpack, some things that we need to sell/get rid of but had to take here with us, and pictures to hang. All said: it was pretty smooth and we are thankful to the Lord that he protected us, smoothed out the difficulties and gave us a nice new place closer to church and shelly’s work. It was nice to get a chance to weed out some things we don’t need before we go to Italy.