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work situation: positive

Thursday, June 18th, 2009

Well, after 2 years of very little work, I have been blessed as of late with more than i have had for quite some time. I have a sense again that with the current situation, we should proceed with the citizenship process and get the lawyers going on the next phase. We should be able to pay pretty soon and as things happen, I will be keeping you posted.

And prayer for Dave too….

Saturday, May 9th, 2009

I just went through a hernia surgery a few weeks ago, everything is basically normal except for a little fluid that is remaining and causing swelling to stay. Pray that it would go down.

Also I found out that a soccer injury I sustained last october was much more serious than I thought, and rather than a ligament being stretched, it actually tore a chunk of my pelvis off. I’m starting some physical therapy to see if i can get back to playing sports, but if that doesn’t work than my soccer career [if one could call it that  ; ) ] is basically over. Fortunately the injury doesn’t really stop me from doing anything except sprinting, so if the Lord needed to get me to stop playing, then this was as a gracious a way to do it as i could possibly imagine. But until I know it’s Gods will for me to stop, I’d like to keep playing. So just pray it gets better. Thanks


Prayer for Ronnie and Kristi

Saturday, May 9th, 2009

If you could, remember Ronnie in some prayer that he will continue to do well at his new job and he will find favor with his employers.

Also pray for Kristi: the owners are upgrading the apartments and she is really overwhelmed with a lot of work trying to manage all the normal activities PLUS the construction and upgrades.

Saving some money

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

hey all.

we are not dead… despite the lack of ANYthing to write about concerning the effort right now. The only thing even slightly worth mentioning is that Shell and I are actually saving a miniscule amount of money towards the lawyers at this moment, but the economy being what it is and work being slow, it’s not going very fast.

Other than that, Ronnie and Kristi are all settled in at the new places in Norwalk: new apartment where Kristi manages and new job for Ronnie. Shelly is in St Paul, Minnesota for a work thing until tomorrow.

God bless and take care,


comment spam on the site

Saturday, February 28th, 2009

don’t even bother looking at the comments on the site. I’ve been getting spammed for months now. I need to stay on it, but occasionally I forget for a few weeks and … like now for instance.. i find myself with 1600 spam comments to delete.

Ronnie and Kristi are into the new place

Saturday, February 28th, 2009

God has blessed them with a new place. Kristi will be the manager at the apartments. The place is pretty good sized, and in a fairly nice area as well. We had some help and got everything into the apartment in a reasonable amount of time today. I’m personally exhausted after the effort, but that’s no worry, it’s all in now. They of course have to stay and sort it all out, but within no time, they should be back in order.

It’s about 5 minutes from Ronnie’s new work as well, so all in all, a good thing.

Maybe there’s a connection….

Wednesday, January 21st, 2009

Shelly’s boss from work, who was originally from England, was just put in charge over all of Europe. That means if and when we get to go to Italy, she has someone in her corner that can pull the strings. Not sure if it means what I think it means, but it’s nice to see pieces falling into place here and there. Last word we had heard was they would prefer her to go to Germany, if she were to move there. But this guy seems to understand that her job could be done from basically any country. And he really loves shelly and her work. So it’s nice to see something like this coming around.

updates and … happy new year!

Monday, January 5th, 2009

Ronnie has found a job doing some accounting work. This is a really a blessing. It’s not too far from the house, a decent job and something new which he can train in. We are still waiting for the final word on when the move will happen, but so far the Lord has blessed with jobs and a place to live. 
And… happy new year to you all!!!

Ronnie ha trovato lavoro tipo contabilità. È una benedizione vera … non troppo lontano da casa, un buon lavoro e cosa nuova che può imparare. ancora aspettiamo a sapere quando succederà il trasferimento, ma fino ad ora, il Signore ha benedetto grandemente con lavoro ed un appartamento.
e….. un felice anno nuovo a tutti!!! 


Merry Christmas/Buon Natale!

Wednesday, December 24th, 2008

Wanted to quickly say- Merry Christmas to all. Thanks for your continuing prayers.
God Bless you all in the new year. 

Ciao a tutti…. e buon natale!!!!
Vi ringraziamo per le vostre preghiere, e tanti auguri per il prossimo anno. Che Dio vi benedica tutti 


Ronnie and Kristi new place

Friday, December 19th, 2008

Well looks like the Lord has provided Ronnie and Kristi a place to live. I won’t give any more details just yet, because things aren’t finalized, but for now they have a place to move in to.
