It’s been quite a while since we updated the blog. sorry for the delays.To fill in just the basics on what has been happening over the past few months, ronnie has been out at U-turn for Christ for a few months. He is back now and the Lord is doing a greater work than ever in his life.We had a small surprise homecoming party at his place last night with several of the people from the church over to welcome him back. There will be much work in the next month and a half since they are due to move out by 15 January 2009. He will be looking for a job, finishing up his GED, and taking care of business around the house and family as well. Kristi too is looking for work so please pray that both will be able to find jobs [in a depressed economy] that will pay a living wage, AND for wisdom and direction in finding a new place to live.
Yo YO YO Ronnie baby !! Found you while searching the net for old Tyton stuff, looks like your doing good and GREAT looking family ! Give us a bell sometime and talk at you soon, 832 656 0102 Cell.
YO Ronnie baby !! Found you while searching the net for old Tyton stuff, looks like your doing good and GREAT looking family ! Give us a bell sometime and talk at you soon, 832 656 0102 Cell.