or so it feels like it…..
I contacted the Lawyer. He was supposed to get ahold of the Consulate and get the scoop from them, and then talk to his office in Rome and find out how to proceed. The problem is that August is NOT a good month for things to happen in Italy. Italy celebrates what is known as the ferragosto…. the August holidays… by which nearly all Italians get off 2 weeks in some part of August. This is serious…. Italians are very serious about holidays…. so, as it just so happens I started asking about this at the beginning of August, nearly no one has been around to look into it. Hence the long silence that feels like an information blackout. Hopefully as September is just around the corner, things will swing back into action….. perhaps “action” isn’t the proper word…. swing into a slow plodding melodrama…. yeah, that’s more like it.
So that’s what is [not] happening right now. Keep you all updated as I find out info.
Ah…now I see why you wanna go to Europe for a church plant…HOLIDAYS!!! JUST KIDDING~ ^_^ They are pretty serious about their play time, that’s for sure. Don’t they get paid for it, too?