tornati a milano/back in milan

Here are some photos of us back in milan. Ecco delle foto di milano.


Tuesday morning we drove back from Treviso and saw this castle off to the side of the road. You just don’t get to see this kind of thing in the states. Martedì siamo tornati a milano da treviso.  Non mi ricordo dov’era, ma abbiamo visto questo castello… cosa mica normale per noi in America.

 duomo face

duomo corner

This is the face of the famous Duomo in Milan. Duomo means the principal cathedral of the city. Every major and midsize town in Italy has one, usually the center of the city. Milan literally radiates outward from this central place. The top pic is at dusk, the lower one was taken wednesday after we got back when it was still raining. Il famoso Duomo di Milano. la foto sopra è ovviamente di sera, mentre quella sotto è di giorno, ma con la pioggia.

inside duomo

This is from inside the Duomo. It’s hard to express just how impressive this is, but the architecture is meant to draw you vertically as if reaching up to God himself. It actually accomplishes it’s mission. Da dentro il Duomo. È veramente impressionante il Duomo. L’architetture fu disegnato ad attirarti verticalmente come se uno si stendesse verso Dio stesso. E si riesce.

 in piazza

In the Piazza of the Duomo. Milan has a large immigrant population. Several African immigrants stopped us to tell us how beautiful our wives were, slap a thread on our wrists and then demand money for the honor. One guy wanted 10 euros out of Ronnie for the unwanted approach. Just then the Italian police went running after a few and they all scattered to the four corners of the earth. La Piazza del Duomo. Milano ha un grande flusso di immigranti e qualche africani ci hanno fermati a dirci quante belle nostre mogli, metterci a polso un filo colorato e poi esigere i soldi per l’onore. Uno volevo 10 euro di Ronnie quando un polizia comincio a cacciarli. Subito si sono scomparsi.


To the north of the Duomo is a large shopping mall called the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele. I love the place because in the center of the mall, which is shaped like a cross, there is a Prada store, Louis Vuitton, a high end crystal shop and the fourth esteemed business as a cornerstone? McDonalds. All the high end shopping you can want. Pick up some Prada and then eat at McD’s. Classic.

Al nord del Duomo c’è il famoso Galleria Vittorio Emanuele. Nel centro della galleria, ci sono: Prada, Louis Vuitton, una gioelleria di nome scordato ed un quarto negozio stimato ed elegante- McDonalds. Sissignore, tutto lo shopping elegante che si può fare. Compratevi delle scarpe elegante a Prada, poi mangiare a McDonalds. Classico.

milano night

milano at night

A few night pics of Milan. Qualche foto di notte sempre milano.

2 Responses to “tornati a milano/back in milan”

  1. The buildings are staggering in magnificence! Thanks for sharing! It was so wonderful to see you & Shelly today for lunch! We hope to catch you 2 again real soon!!! ^_^

  2. dave says:

    Hey Kali…

    Yeah Milano is a great place for architecture. The center is really impressive. You’ll get to see it personally when we move there and you and Andy come visit us. ; )

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