Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Women-to-Women Meeting

Wednesday, March 28th, 2007

post by Shelly

Kristi is putting together the April Women-to-Women meeting we will be having at CCLM. She asked if I could do worship. I find it difficult to lead worship on my own because of the fact that I do not play an instrument. I did lead one other time for Women-to-Women, but found it a little daunting.

Anyway, I was talking to Kristi about it and stating that I wanted to have someone sing with me, but I wasn’t sure who I should ask. The biggest problem for me is that most of the women I know that attend the Women-to-Women meetings and have helped with worship (at least those still at CCLM) are lower voices – like me. I felt that I needed to find someone with a strong voice that could sing soprano while I sing the harmony that I have gotten used to. I thought of Dana Force who is new to our church but has been in worship at other churches. So in my brainstorming with Kristi, I mentioned Dana but wasn’t sure if I should ask. Kristi said she’d pray that Dana would come up to me and talk to me which would give me the opening to ask about Women-to-Women.

Well, the next evening at church Dana and I started talking. I asked about the Women-to-Women and she said she’d pray about it. But she also mentioned that she plays keyboards a little bit – enough to get us singing on the right key and offering a simple instrumental backing. I was excited, so I prayed and waited for her to get back to me. The next week Dana said that she would help. So now comes the hard part of choosing songs, getting together and practicing – when we both have such limited schedules.

But I’m excited about the fact that God answered Kristi’s prayer and brought Dana into my path so I could talk to her – and so quickly, too. Now, keep both Dana and I in prayer that we can lead worship and it will be a time where the women can worship with us and God can enjoy it.

Daryl and Kayo Record

Monday, March 5th, 2007

Well, last night we had Daryl and his wife Kayo at the church for a potluck/fellowship/communion.  I was totally blessed to the point of tears while I was listening.

First thing I saw from Daryl was his organization and preparation in his powerpoint, not the powerpoint itself, but what each point was and how to deal with it and how much work went into it.  I guess what I am trying to say is, he is well prepared in the administrative aspect.  However, we are as well. And I don’t mean that pridefully, but Dave and Shelly are very prepared with the gift of administration and I would like to believe that God has blessed me with it as well.

But, what really brought me to tears is when he went to John 15:13 where Jesus says “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.”  Daryl’s heart for the people of Cambodia is really John 15:13.  He really loves them to the point of laying down all of his comforts here in the United States as well as, if need be, to lay down his life in death.  

I believe that Dave, Shelly, Kristi and myself have that heart for those in Milano, Italy.  Would you please pray that God would give us such a burden for His people in Milano that we would have the heart as Peter and John in Acts 4 where Peter said to the council, for we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard.”

Pastor Ronnie



The dollar and the euro…..

Monday, February 26th, 2007

Posted by Dave 

The dollar has been on a slow slide for a while now. When Shell and I went to Italy last summer, the euro was worth $1.23. Now it is worth $1.31. Every month the dollar is worth a few pennies less in Europe. So what? 

For Ronnie and Kristi trying to raise support, and for me, having most of my work based here, that can be bad news. IF I continue to draw most of my income from the US while trying to live in Italy, it means my money is buying less and less every year. Add to that the high taxes in Italy and my income may be significantly diminished. Ronnie’s support that he needs to raise gets harder and harder. For example he may need $3000 per month to live there now. But in 2 years that will not be enough anymore. He may need $3100-$3200 per month just to account for the diminishing dollar. 

Not to say this is something to panic about, it’s not. I don’t think God is calling us to go and forgetting about how He will support us. But these are concerns to us. 

Fortunately, if Shelly’s job is transferred, then she will be paid directly in euros, which will help us. I too would like to revamp my website in the near future and do an Italian version as well. Not sure how it will happen, but I would like to open up my skill set to Italian companies too. I have never marketed myself or my work. Well, that’s not totally true; I tried it a few times but bombed. The Lord has always brought clients for my work without me ever really doing much other than being faithful to render the work. I’m praying that he will continue to open those doors, but in Italy as well. I am doing work for a company in Hong Kong right now. I do work for companies in New York and Ohio and the Bay Area, so working from distance is not a difficulty. Finding clients is. This is a funny business in that it is so highly personal. Art directors get to know you and will continue to give you work, but it is VERY difficult to approach people you don’t know. They usually already have a list of trusted illustrators that they use, and giving you work takes away from those they already know. Italy may be even more so since this is a way of life in Italy. On the surface of it, it would be highly unlikely that an Italian company would hire an American artist, but……. all things are possible with the Lord. So I pray and ask that the Lord would open up these opportunities. 

Update! There are no updates!

Thursday, February 22nd, 2007

Posted by Dave 

Work has been busy and there are lots of lessons to study for. Add to that the fact that there is not much notice of what is happening on the documents now, and it just seems like there is little to report. The blessing is that there is lots of work. I want to rent an apartment for the trip this June, but they are expensive. So I need to work and save some moolah. The fact that I am busy is good. But the fact that there aren’t any updates to the blog for a week is not good. Sorry about that, I’ll try to keep things coming. And not just sorry excuses….. 

Aggiornamento…….. non c’è! 

Ma c’è un sacco di lavoro ed anche lezioni da studiare. Giunto al fatto che non c’è ancora notizia dei documenti in questo periodo….. c’è veramente poco da raccontare. Il buono è l’abbondanza del lavoro di che c’è bisogno se voglio affittare un appartamento milanese ‘sto giugno per la nostra visita….. ma la mancanza di aggiornamenti…. non tanto. Vi chiedo scusa. Vediamo se riesco di aggiornarlo….. e non parlo di più scuse…. 


How to be filled with the Holy Spirit/Come essere riempto dello Spirito Santo

Thursday, February 15th, 2007

Posted by Dave 

I am reading this book [title above] that Ronnie gave me for Christmas. And everyday I get something else out of it. I have been feeling the lack in my own life lately and have therefore been reading this book to draw closer to the Lord. It would be too much to try and explain the whole background, but in wanting to know the Lord more, I read this today: 

“The Spirit was given when Jesus was glorified…… if you dedicate yourself to the glory of Jesus, the Holy Ghost will become the aggressor and will seek to know you and raise you and illumine you and fill you and bless you.” 

Sometimes I get too wrapped up in trying to seek the Holy Spirit, meaning really the gifts of the Spirit or benefits of the Spirit but circumventing this very simple principle. 


Sto leggendo in questi giorni il libro [del titolo soprascritto] che Ronnie mi ha regalato per natale. Ogni giorno riesco di scavare qualche pietra preziosa. Ultimamente ho sentito una mancanza e quindi, volendo avvicinarmi al Signore, leggo il libro. Sarebbe troppo a spiegarvene tutto, ma volendo conoscere ancora di più il Signore, ho letto oggi: 

«Lo Spirito fu dato quando Gesù fu glorificato…… se ti dedichi alla gloria di Gesù, lo Spirito Santo diventa il cacciatore e cerca di conoscerti e di alzarti ed illuminarti e di riempirti e di benedirti.» 

Penso spesso che sono io che devo cacciare lo Spirito, cercando il suo favore [i suoi benefici/doni], ma sbaglio. Se cerco di portare la gloria a Gesù, lo Spirito mi troverà. Non c’è bisogna di cercarlo. 

womens retreat this weekend

Wednesday, February 14th, 2007

Shelly and Kristi are heading out to a womens retreat this weekend. “Seasons” will be the theme. Pray that the Lord will speak to both of them, that they can minister to other ladies as well, and they return encouraged.

Shelly e Kristi vanno ad un ritiro spirituale per le donne questo weekend. “Stagioni” sarà la tema. Pregate che il Signore parli loro, che possiano anche aiutare alle altre e che tornino ispirate.

Shelly’s reading

Monday, January 29th, 2007

I’ve pondered this since Wednesday, but I’m finally writing it. I’ve been reading in Exodus and on Wednesday I read chapter 12. God is laying down the law for the Passover and explaining who is allowed to partake. The chapter also explains the 10th plague and the results – “and they spoiled the Egyptians” (verse 36). The Egyptians saw what God could do – how He can be an angry God for those who do not follow Him. But they also saw His mercy on the people of Israel. I believe that many of the Egyptians turned to God at this time. Why? In verse 38 it states “and a mixed mutlitude went up also with them”.

 But the part I like best is the fact that God outlines right in the same chapter how a “stranger” can also partake of the goodness of God and the Passover (verse 48).

48) And when a stranger shall sojourn with thee, and will keep the passover to the LORD, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it; and he shall be as one that is born in the land: for no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof.

49) One law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you.

But what really got me thinking of this is the prayer of one of the men at church before service on Wednesday. He prayed that he was thankful for salvation because he does not want to fall into the hands of an angry God. The Egyptians saw first-hand the angry God when He sent the plagues. But they were also able to see mercy in the freeing of the Israelites.

 I’m glad that our “circumcision” today is actually a “circumcision of the heart” (Romans 2) and that we can be counted as children of God just by following Jesus. Because as was prayed on Wednesday – I do not want to be caught in the hands of an angry God. I want to be able to recieve His blessings as the Israelites did when they were brought out of Egypt.

Dio risponderà alle preghiere… God will respond to prayer

Monday, January 29th, 2007

Il passo che proprio ora leggo dice “Dio risponderà alle preghiere che molti faranno per me” 2 Cor. 1:11. Questo Paolo scrisse facendoci ricordare che lui è gia stato liberato dai pericoli, e sarà ancora liberato….. ma con le preghiere. 

Noi abbiamo creato questo blog con il motivo di informarvi delle cose che capitano riguardo al nostro trasferimento. Ma non vale tantissimo avere informazione se non allo scopo di pregare. Noi valutiamo assai le vostre preghiere ed il blog e per informarvi come potete pregare. Questo passo poi mi assicura che Dio risponderà alle vostre preghiere e che non sprechiamo il tempo. Grazie per averci mantenuto nelle preghiere.   


The passage I’m reading today says “God will respond to the prayers that many people are offering for me” 2 Cor. 1:11. Paul writes this reminding us that he has already been freed from trouble and he will be freed again….. with prayer.

We created this blog with the purpose of letting people know what was happening as we prepare to move. But the information alone doesn’t do much good unless it’s used to pray. We really need your prayers and this blog is basically here to tell you how you can pray. This little passage today assured me that God will respond to your prayers and that we are not wasting time. Thanks for keeping us in prayer.   


Studiando stamattina….

Monday, January 22nd, 2007

….ho letto 1 Corinzi 3 dove Paolo scrisse “Dio mi ha dato il compito e privilegio di mettere il fondamento, come fa un saggio architetto. Altri poi innalza su di esso la construzione. Ciascuno però bada bene a come costruisce. Il fondamento già posto e Gesù Cristo. Nessuno puo metterne un altro.” 

Noi andremo in Italia per costruire su di questo fondamento. Ma non posso fare altro che pensare ai secoli già passati. Duemila anni fa Paolo già predicò lo stesso vangelo agli Italiani. C’è perfino un libro della Bibbia scritto agli Italiani. Ma nel frattempo, c’è stato anche un altro vangelo predicato… delle opere. Il fatto è che noi dobbiamo bada bene a come costruiamo, e di che cosa innalziamo su di questo fondamento. Il fondamento già posto è Gesu Cristo e noi non siamo permessi a metterne un altro.  Io non so perché siamo stati chiamati a tornare ad un paese dove il vangelo ha tanta storia, certo la gente ha sentito il nome di Gesù, però, mi pare che forse per il preciso ragione di che Paolo scriveva nel passo, una costruzione è stato innalzato sopra un altro fondamento, quello delle opere umane, e cosi, anche se la costruzione viene chiamata “la chiesa”, lei infatti proprio non è precisamente perché è costruita su di un altro fondamento- le nostre opere. Quella fede che ci salverà dev’essere messo su di Gesù Cristo. 

Parlando con qualche parenti del nostro trasferimento, ho sentito, non di voce alta, eppure l’ho capito che nei loro menti tutto questo non ha senso. Mi risulta che questo versetto sia applicabile: “Dio infatti considera pazzia quel che il mondo crede sia sapienza” 1 Cor. 3:19 

Bible study this morning. I was reading 1 Cor 3 where Paul writes [I’m translating here] “God has given me the task, and the privilege of setting this foundation, as a wise architect. Others then will build on it. Each, however, should be careful of how he builds. The foundation already laid is Jesus Christ. NO ONE can lay another [foundation]” 

We are going to Italy to build on this foundation. And I can’t help thinking about how the gospel has been preached there already- Paul preached 2000 years ago. There is even a book written to the Italians! But since then there has been another gospel preached: works. We need to be careful how we build and what we are raising up on the foundation. The foundation, Jesus, has already been laid and we have no right to build another. I’m not sure why we were called to go to a country that has already heard the gospel for so long, the people know who Jesus is, but it seems to me that it’s maybe for the exact reason Paul wrote about in this passage: a building has been raised over another foundation, human works, and as such, even if it is called the church, it’s really not, precisely because it’s built on something other than Jesus. The faith that saves us will be built on Jesus. 

In an unrelated vein, talking with some family about our move, I got the impression that in their minds, the whole thing, just doesn’t make sense. This verse seems applicable-  “In fact, God considers the wisdom of the world to be nutsy-kookoo” 1 Cor. 3:19    

Pastor Ronnie’s Devotions

Friday, January 19th, 2007

Today as I was spending time in the Word of God, the Lord showed me something that I have not seen before. Before I share that with you I need to tell you that when I do my devotions, I read a portion from the Old Testament and a portion from the New Testament each day and today I saw something I thought was very interesting:

Manipulating the circumstances instead of trusting the Lord (Genesis 30:1-43)

First of all, we need to remember that the Lord had told Jacob that “Your descendents shall be as the dust of the earth… and in you and in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Gen.28:14). But we see in chapter 30 how Rachel gave Jacob her maid Bilha to bear children for them. Then at the right time (God’s time) she bore Joseph (v.22-24).

Then before Jacob takes his family to provide for his own household (v.30), he makes a deal with his uncle Laben. However, Jacob is using trickery. He has become quite a trickster as well as finally meeting his match. Jacob is now going to make a comeback. The point I am making is that Jacob has used and is still using deception and trickery to get his way and be blessed when the Lord had already given him many promises.

Now what I want to do is to jump to the New Testament passage in (Matthew 9:18 thru 10:14). In these verse we see..

  • A ruler’s daughter is raised from the dead… he had faith that Jesus could do this (v.18).
  • A woman with a flow of blood being healed and Jesus says “Your faith has made you well” (v.22).
  • Two blind men were given their sight and Jesus said ‘According to your faith let it be to you” (v.29).
  • Jesus sends out the twelve and tells them “Provide neither gold nor silver nor copper (money), two tunics, nor sandals, nor staffs (v.9-10)… the point is… the Lord will provide for them… that takes faith.

Here is my point: we see Jacob using trickery and deception trying to get his way when God has already given him promises to stand on. These passages in the New Testament show us how these peoples’ faith was what the Lord was wanting.

The Lord has spoken to my heart that He has given us (Dave, Shelly, The Mitchell’s) a promise to move to Milano, Italy and I need to stand on that promise, not trying to manipulate circumstances to see it take place, not that I am, but the point is, trust in Him (Prov.3:5-6).

What promise has the Lord given you? Trust in His promises!

May the Lord richly bless you

Pastor Ronnie