Pastor Ronnie’s Devotions

The Lord has brought Kristi and myself, as He does with all His children, to a higher level of trusting Him for our provisions. I say that because, this morning the Lord had spoken to my heart about this very issue and I want to share that with you.  Here are those areas:

  1. Don’t bargain with God (Genesis 28:10-22).

The Lord had given many promises to Jacob in verses 13-15, but when Jacob arose from his sleep, he made a vow to God saying If God will be with me (God already said He would), and keep me in this way (God already said He would), and give me bread to eat and clothing to put on so that I come back to my fathers house in peace (God already said He would), then the Lord shall be my God (v.20-21).

What is he doing?  He wants to trade with God.  He says, “Now, God, if You will do this for me….”  But God has already told him that He is going to do every one of these things for him—“I am going to keep you; I am going to bring you back to this land; I am going to give you this land; and I’m going to give you offspring.”  Then Jacob turns around and bargains with Him, “If You will do it, then I’ll serve You.”

God doesn’t do business with us that way.  He didn’t do business that way with Jacob either. If He had, Jacob would never have made it back to that land.  God brought him back into that land by His grace and mercy. When Jacob did finally come back to Bethel, he came back a wiser man.  Do you know what he came back to do?  To worship and praise God for His mercy.  God had been merciful to him.

Many people even today say they will serve the Lord if He will do such and such.  Again, He doesn’t do business that way.  He will extend mercy to you, and He will be gracious to you without asking anything in return.  But He does say that if you love Him, you will really want to serve Him.  That will be the bondage of love.  It is the same kind of love a mother has for the little child.  She becomes its slave.  That’s the way that He wants you and me.

So, the Lord has shown me that He will provide for all of our needs that we have in order to move to Italy.  The needs are great, the legal aspects are great, finances, etc, but He will provide.


God bless you as you seek the Lord

Pastor Ronnie

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